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演员:约翰·(富兰克林)·坎迪出生日期:1950年10月31日出生在加拿大安大略省去世日期:1994年3月4日在墨西哥去世。(死于心脏病)口音:很有趣的加拿大口音,有时音调很高。名言:“我是一个肌肉发达的人,一个打斗机器。”家庭:大块的约翰有一个对他关怀备至的妻子和两个孩子。特点:约翰大约1米87高,300磅重。坎迪是一个加拿大橄榄球队——多伦多淘金者队的老板之一。在墨西哥拍摄最后一部电影时,他因心脏病突发去世,在去世前他仍然在制造笑料。 Actor:John (Franklin) CandyDate of Birth:Born October 31, 1950 in Ontario CanadaDate of death:March 4th, 1994, in Mexico. (heart attack)Accent :A hilariously Canadian accent, at times high pitched.Famous Lines:I'm a lean mean, fighting machine.Biography:The large teddy bear of a man, John Candy, was born on Holloween,October 31st in 1950. His birthday set a mood of excitement and fun for his entire life. John started as a stand-up comedian in small Canadian bars. He quickly got a job on the set of a TV show. After becoming one of the stars of the Canadian show, he got some work in Hollywood and New York. He often appeared on Saturday Night Live. Later, he wrote and stared in many movies. He always had fun on the sets of his movies. Unfortunately some of that fun was eating too much and drinking like a fish. John's movies included: Stripes, Wagons East, Uncle Buck, 1941, the Blues Brothers and many more hilarious ones!Family:Big John has a caring wife and two children.Special Traits:John was about 1.87 meters tall and 300lb. Candy was a co-owner of the Toronto Argonauts, a Canadian Football team. He was funny even as he lay dying of a heart attack in Mexico on the set of his last movie.