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英语邀请函写法如下: I 'm very happy,because my birthday will come next Saturday, And my family have many food and drink. 我很高兴,因为我的生日将会在下周六,和我的家人有很多食物和饮料。 I think a lot of funny things and we will paly them in that day. 我想会有很多有趣的事情在那一天发生。 So I hope you can take part in. 所以我希望你能参加。 Now I will tell you the address of my house. 现在我将告诉你我的房子的地址。 It is in the central of our city named Funny Time. 它在我们命名为有趣时间的市中心。 There are many trees and flowers around my home. 我家周围有许多树和花。 Its wall is red and white. 它的墙是红色和白色。 You must come. 你必须来。



邀请用英语说Invite。 一、邀请可用短语 1、invite to.邀请至;邀请到;邀请在。 2、invite over.邀请到家里来。 3、invite sb. for sth.邀请某人参加某事。 4、invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事。 5、invite sb. to sth.邀请某人参加某事。 双语例句 His use of the word did little but invite criticism. 他使用该词没起到任何作用反倒招来批评。 the two books invite comparison with one another. 这两本书很有可比性。 He sent to invite her to supper. 他写信邀请她共进晚餐。 Your invite has been sent to entire galaxy! 你的邀请函已经发送个全星系了! Wait do you think,maybe we shouldn't invite her? 你觉得我们不该请她吗? Ok.Then invite him to the party. Elena… 好吧,那请他也来参加派对吧。埃琳娜……



invitation作名词时意为“邀请;引诱;请帖;邀请函”。 复数形式:invitations 短语搭配 Invitation watch邀请赛;约请赛;聘请赛 official invitation正式邀请 on invitation应邀 Party Invitation派对邀请;派对请帖;聚会邀请函 Invitation Cards请柬;邀请卡;请柬款式;请柬贺咭 invitation telex邀请电报 例句: 1、I have an open invitation to visit my friend in Japan. 我在日本的朋友邀请我随时去看他。 2、I regret that I am unable to accept your kind invitation. 很遗憾,我不能接受你的友好邀请。 3、It's time we returned their invitation. 该我们回请他们了。 4、She's in two minds about accepting his invitation. 是否接受他的邀请,她犹豫不决。 5、Thank you for your kind invitation. 感谢你的盛情邀请。 6、A concert was held at the invitation of the mayor. 在市长的邀请下举办了一场音乐会。 7、We have a standing invitation to visit them anytime. 他们邀请我们随时去他们家作客。



invitation是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“邀请;引诱;请帖;邀请函”。 英语中请某人出席或参加的书面信函(A written request for someone's presence or participation.)请柬也称请帖,有正式和非正式两种。非正式请柬就是常说的邀请信或邀请条,多用于亲戚朋友之间。正式请柬需要一定的格式书写,主要用于婚礼、丧礼、宴会、舞会、招待会、展览会等隆重开闭幕式、大型晚会、庆祝大会及其他正式社交场合。 例句用法: Tactics like those of the colonel would have been an invitation to disaster. 上校的那些策略只会招致灾难。 There were doubts as to whether she was included in the invitation. 她是否在邀请之列,这点值得怀疑。 He spoke gruffly, as if afraid that his invitation would be spurned. 他说话很粗暴,好像是害怕他的邀请会被拒绝似的。 She made a gesture which he chose to interpret as an invitation. 她做了一个手势,他将此理解为一种邀请。 A herb garden where guests can only go at the invitation of the chef. 须经主厨邀请方可进入的香料种植园。