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  yasIELTS WRITING SKILL   Ⅰ简介   1.结构   Tack 1:图表题(20min 150~180words 1/3)   Tack 2: Essay (40min 250~300words 2/3)   2.评分标准(Rating Mechanism/Criterion)   (1)字数:250words 9~15sentences 20~30words/sentence   (2)Fabric/Organization   4~5paragraphs   ①Introduction (2~3sentences):导入问题、观点和态度   ②Main   ③Body   ④   ⑤Conclusion:与开通呼应   (3)切题   手段问题的摆出与观点或写作目的及命题相关,即不能写于主题无关的句子。   注意:   ①不用some people   ②不要引用名人名言。   ③Main Body段落的主旨句往往为首句,且要出现命题的核心词或其近义词。   (4)衔接(句与句间的逻辑关系,包括从句与主句的关系)   过渡(段落间的起承转合)   (5)与法语拼写   正确率在97%以上,即错误处<8   (6)句法复杂   复杂句>70% ①定于从句:sb,a sth,who does sth,is sb   ②主语从句:That…, is a…   ③状语从句:Because Although   (7)句型多变 ①强调句:It is … that/who…   ②倒庄句:Not…until…   ③比较结构:平行、对称   ④分词:Ex:⑴Analyzing this issue from macroeconomics angles, scientists claim that it looms large (严重).   ⑵Analyzed from historical angle/perspectives…   ↑Band 7   (8)词汇   注意近义词的使用   ↑Band 8   (9)习语、成语、修辞   ⅡIntroduction (2~3sentences)   (1)Problem/Issue:   ①陈述句或设问句   ②不能照抄命题   ③在提出问题前可陈述与命题有关的现象(不超过一句)   (2)Points(反/正/中)   (3) Examples:   ①What roles does tax, regards of its various forms, play in the development of a nation and an individual tax player. On the basis/strength/ground of my understanding/experience/knowledge, it hinders and hampers (阻碍/押头韵) human well being(人类福利).   ②05-6-11   What is the relationship between architecture and culture identities? Will constructing buildings in conventional styles contribute to the preservation and or protection of the so-called culture ,a term with rather elusive (难以捉摸) and even controversial senses. A voice advocating such a practice is prevailing (流行)/dominating(控制)the public. This concept, nevertheless, is dubious /problematic.   ③05-7-9   Do health care and education fall in the responsibilities of a modern government, which has been universally considered to protect basic human rights?   ④05-8-13   Crimes are a formidable social issue that confronts almost each and every modern civilization. Moreover, the reasons why some human individuals commit crimes are yet to be discovered, because how to prevent children from becoming criminals looms large.   ⑤05-10-15   It is a fact that distinct dissimilarities in education and health conditions exist between rural and urban areas. These gaps, however, are not necessarily bridged by sending teachers or doctors to rural areas. This is because each individual has human rights and liberty in selecting job site. This essay thus attempt to offer insights into these issues.   ⑥ 05-5-28   What is a sound relationship between the curricula (pl. for curriculum) in high education institute and job markets/employment? It has been traditionally held that high education should be isolated from/independed upon job markets. Although such a theory has not totally distaste (扭曲) or deformed (畸形) the whole picture. The interdependence between the two social elements must be emphasized.   否定:   ①This argument goes against/to far facts and figures.   ②This argument suffers formidable logic drawbacks/flows/fallacies in reasoning.   ③Not only such a theory dubious in reasoning, but also it is misleading as far as…is concerned.   肯定:   ④In fact the affirmative answer to this question is self-evident / well-supported / substantiated / championed.   ⑤Much/Rich evidence in the course of human events lends/offers solid ground to this argument.   ⑥   ⅢPoints 分析方法   (1)分类、外延   Examples: 06-8-12 The relationship between language and culture.   Language ①Listening & Speaking A1 ① Culture   ②Reading & Writing A2 ②   ③Switch (Translation) A3 ③   (2)Paragraph Fabric   ①What   Topic sentence (1~2): ⅰ为判断句:Y/N Pro(正)/Con(反)   Outline the main idea of the whole paragraph ⅱ句法结构在正确的`基础上求复杂   ⅲ引出份论点   ②Why(1~4)   ⅰ原因分析   ⅱ解释(时间、空间、定性、定量、下定义)   ⅲ具体化   ⅳ预测后果(正/反)   ⅴ论据(无法充分论证时使用)   a.试验、统计数据   Examples:   ①statistics (pl.统计数据 statistic统计学) show that...   ②a study/survey conducted/carried out by my university between 1997~20xx in my hometown shows that...   b.例子( 生活 中的本民族的或自己的例子)   Examples:   ①my own/in person experience in New York during 1998~20xx serves as a typical/convening/telling and moving (晓之以理,动之以情) example/a case in point   ②history is rich in evidence supporting these, for/take China as a case in point   ⅵ原因句型   a.单一原因表达   ①This phenomenon has been traditionally contributed to the fact that/a assumption that…   ②The main reason ,as universally accepted on the stage of/in the field of…,is that…   b.双原因的表达   ①This is partly because…, and partly because…   ②This is more because…than because…   ③Two major reasons are frequently acknowledged. For one thing…, for another (, still another…)/on one hand…, on the other hand…   c.解释句型   ①this means that…   ②put it in other words…   ③put it simply…   ④that is to say…   ④implied in this assertion (说法)/rhetoric/theory/argument/statement is that…   Examples:   ①06-8-12   To be familiar with/to a culture and its life style is essential (indispensable/vital) to the learning of language that expresses such a culture, especially as far as listening and speaking skills are concerned. This is because listening and speaking whatever the contents, occur in a specific social setting ( 社会 背景). But any social setting is subjected to (受…的制约) the culture and life style. For instance, “thank you” symbolizes that in the western civilization, happiness, liberty and life is (看作不同事物时用are,看作一系列事物时用is) highly emphasized. By contrast, “妈的” clearly shows that the traditional Chinese culture is characterized by “unhappy” rank-and-the-file (老百姓).   ②05-4-16   The evolution of English into the global language has deeply reshaped the social and economic fabric/landscape. It is the language of English that bridges the east and the west, ending long period icy “cold times”(冷战). Moreover (过渡词) English accelerates/boosts the sustainable (可持续的) economic development in both developing and developed countries. In that (=because) it creates immense/massive job markets, helping a myriad (=a lot of) of those who would otherwise be unemployed. In addition, in terms of international relationship, English has remarkably united isolated nations with striking different political ideas.   Ⅳ常见的Topics   (1)Governor   政府应该怎样花钱   Useful words:   ①eradicate:根除   ②eliminate:消除   (2)Environment   Useful words:   ①environment=ecosystem=biota   ②green house effect   ③Ozone depletion:臭氧层消耗   ④Water and soil erosion:水土流失   ⑤irrigation:灌溉   ⑥chemical fertilize, pesticide   ⑦global warming   ⑧glacier:冰川 sea level   ⑨habited:栖息地 biodiversity:生物多样性   (3)Education   Useful words;   ①scientific   ②humanities   ③pure art   (4)分析层面   ①Physical health   ②Psychological balance   ③Career development survive   thrive   ④Academic achievement   ⑤Ethic & Moral, Aesthetic value   Example:   06-9-23   To be committed oneself to (投身于) the well-being of a community in which this very individual survives and thrives virtually benefits the development not only of the society as a whole, but, more vital of the specific person. Volunteer jobs build the physical health of young adults in that both out-door and in-door jobs demands more physical exercise than classroom learning. In addition, such jobs construct/foster (培养) their moral and ethic values, and the aesthetic tastes as well. Why? It is easy to understand. Through doing unpaid jobs for the sack of others, young adults understand the quintessence (本质 quint:第五;essence:本质)of life: to give rather than to receive and get.   Furthermore, the positive impacts harvested from the young volunteers go far beyong the development of each volunteer on the community or society as a whole, they are brilliant, colorful, and significant. For one thing, volunteer jobs directly generate profits to the community, contributing to the economic development. Statistics indicate that my community, on average, gleans(收获)more than ~$ annually from volunteer jobs.   For another, volunteer jobs generally focus on environmental protection/campaign against environmental pollution.   To sum up/conclude/In conclusion, it is beneficial for young people, including juveniles and adolescences/puberty to do volunteer jobs. But, I cast a skeptical eye on (=suspect) the argument that all young people must do volunteer jobs, because it might be harmful to some individuals or families.   Ⅴ图表题   首段为信息段,说明研究的时间、地点、内容和对象。   Examples:   ①06-1-14   This graph shows /gives the information that three stages involved in recycling of the Used Glass Bottles.   The first stage is rather simple. UGBs are put into rubbish cans, from which they can be moved/shipped by trucks to factories.   The second stage, however, seems to be somewhat complex/sophisticated in that it consists of several/numerous specific steps. To begin with, UGBs are washed by HPW. After this, they are classified according to color into 3 groups: G, B and C. Then each group UGBs are broken into tiny pieces which are melted/heated in the furnace. From the furnace comes liquid glass. Together with new liquid, this glass liquid is next moulded into new glass bottles. Here ends the second stag.   In the third stage, newly abreacted bottles are fulfilled with consumer goods. And they are packed and transported into supermarkets, where a new cycle begins.   Clearly, through these stages, UGBs have been well reused. However, how much glass can not be recycled is unavailable only on the basis of this graph.   ②03-9-6   This picture reveals the differences/dissimilarities in…between CC and WC.   The main difference is in window design. In CC, the window is not set towards to the direction of the sun. But in WC, one room is equipped with 2 windows built two opposite aspects. During day time, windows are closed and covered. At night, however, they are open making ventilation possible so that the store heat can be removed.   Another difference is in roof style which CC cares for/demands HA roofs. WC roofs have over-hang pasts designed to form shade.   Still another difference is the materials. In CC, the interior walls are of thermos-building material. By contrast, the exterior walls are constructed with insulation: the roof uses heat-storage and heat-loss-reduction material. Nevertheless, roof in WC adopts/employees   external and internal insulation. Besides, reflection materials are utilized.   To sum (up)/To conclude, WC and CC are not the same in terms of house-design.   ③03-9-20   Two possible sites for the supermarket are marked in the graph, which also indicates the potential pros and cons of each of the two: S1 and S2.   ④剑3 P50   This bar chat illustrates the sum/the amount of money spent by each of the four countries in the each of the six kinds of consumer goods.   British eclipses/dwarfs/out number/out way/surpass the other three nations in terms of the amount of money understudy.   [⑴None out neighs Britain as far as the sum of money is concerned.   ⑵Britain ranks next to none in terms of….]   Precisely, P.F. costs Britain about …, the maximum. PC by contrast, ranks…in the list of British spending.   In 1, 2 and 3, the money spent by France is lower than that by other countries. Similarly, German spends the least in 5 and 6. Put it in details…









  3. 细节

  各段落写作中一般要求在各段主题句之后看到一些支持说明该段主题的细节, (细节可以为:a.具体事例,自己的他人的都行;b.假想例子,一般使用 imagine, suppose, it is reasonable to expect... 开头。 c. 正反对比的论述。d.使用类比、比喻等修辞手段。)各个段落可以根据不同使用情况来确定使用哪种细节来支持,最好各段采用的细节是不同模式的。

  4. 语言

  用词上把握住:proper words in proper position 如果出现用词错误,比如该用brains 用了head,产生歧义的必须杜绝,各段的主题句中不能有语意模糊、逻辑混乱现象。修辞几乎是必须的:用了就比没用有本质差别,用得好有加分。

  5. 句式














  托福独立写作的内容要切题且能自圆其说。独立写作话题一般会让大家选择一种观点(agree or disagree),选择哪一方都可以,但是文章的内容必须要前后一致,不能在论述过程中偏离主题。第一段亮明自己的观点后,接下来就要分开论述,细分论点一定是要服务于主论点的,不能在文章中出现自相矛盾,上下不一的情况。






She is my English teacher.She's very beautiful and very kind to us. She has long hair and big eyes and she is 1.70 metres tall. She likes to make friends with us , but sometimes she is strict with us if we can't do our homework well .She is a good teacher ,so I like her very much! o(∩_∩)o 希望能帮助到你! o(∩_∩)o ★★★★★请及时给予好评或采纳,万分感谢! (*^__^*)